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Competency Area 9: Conservation Planning AEM

PO 90. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the local, state, and federal conservation agencies (i.e. CES, SWCD, FSA, NRCS, DEC, RD, EPA, DOH, and RC&D).

  1. Cooperative Extension Service (CES)
  2. Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD)
  3. Farm Service Agency (USDA-FSA)
  4. Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS)
  5. Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS-DEC)
  6. Rural Development (USDA-RD)
  7. Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA)
  8. Department of Health (NYS-DOH, County-DOH)

Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA)

EPA logo.JPG

EPA leads the nation's environmental science, research, education, and assessment efforts. The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment. Since 1970, EPA has been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the American people and:

  • Develops and enforces regulations
  • Gives grants
  • Studies environmental issues
  • Sponsors partnerships
  • Teaches people about the environment
  • Publishes information and