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Competency Area 2: Crop Staging, Growth and Development

PO 5. Know the different systems used to stage corn, small grains and soybean.
PO 6. Know how to identify growth stages between emergence and physiological maturity of corn, small grain, and soybean.

Small Grain-Feekes Scale is the most commonly used scale in the USA (Zadoks scale is used in Europe):

Feekes Scale for wheat growth
Large, EG (1954) Growth stages in cereals: Illustration of the Feeke's scale. Pl. Path. 3: 128–129
Click on images to enlarge

wheat staging

Stage 1-One shoot or seedling stage, occurs in late September through mid October

wheat stagin winter

Stage 2-Tillering begins; early December 

wheat staging

Stage 3-Tillers formed; late March

wheat staging

Stage 4-Leaf sheath lengthens; mid to late April  


Stage 5-Leaf sheath strongly erected

wheat staging

Stage 6 –First node of stem visible or jointing stage (growing point is now above ground); early May


Stage 7-Second node visible


Stage 8-Last leaf just visible 


Stage 9-Ligule of last leaf just visible

wheat staging

Stage 10-"Boot" stage; early June 

wheat staging

Stage 10.1-Early heading (head of the wheat plant is now visible) 

wheat staging

Stage 10.5-Flowering or anthesis stage 

wheat staging

Stage 11-Ripening or grain-filling; mid June

wheat staging maturity wheat staging harvest wheat staging straw harvest
Wheat matures in mid July
Wheat harvest
Straw harvest in late July

Corn-Iowa or leaf ligule staging method

This information is provided in: Hanway, J.J. and S.W. Ritchie. 1984. How a Corn Plant Develops: Special Report No. 48, Iowa State University. For more information see this publication.



corn staging

V1-1st leaf 

corn staging

V2-Ligule of 2nd leaf is visible 

corn staging
corn staging

V3-Ligule of 3rd leaf is visible 

corn staging
corn staging

Vn-Ligule of nth leaf is visible

corn staging
corn staging


corn staging



R2-Blister of kernel 

corn staging

R3-Milk stage of kernel

corn staging

R4-Dough stage of kernel 

corn staging

R5-Dent stage of kernel 

corn stagingcorn staging
corn stagingcorn staging

R6-Physiological maturity

Soybean-Iowa Method

soybean staging



VC-Cotyledons are visible

soybean staging

V1-1st leaf node is fully developed; early June

soybean staging

V2-2nd leaf node if fully developed

soybean staging

Vn-nth leaf node if fully developed 

soybean staging

R1-Beginning flowering  

soybean staging
soybean staging

R2-Full bloom or flowering

soybean staging

R3-Beginning pod development

 soybean staging 

R4-Full pod development; early August

soybean staging

R5-Beginning seed development 

soybean staging

R6-Full seed development; early September

soybean stagin
soybean staging

R7-Beginning maturity; late September

soybean staging

R8-Full maturity; early October