Competency Area 2: Soil hydrology AEM
PO 15. Know simple field methods to assess soil water conditions.
One simple method to assess soil water conditions in the field is the "Feel" method, a somewhat more specific approach to the "ball test". Soil will either feel wet, moist, or dry. When the soil is wet, it will leave water on your hand (about field capacity). When the soil feels moist, it likely will be somewhere in the plant available water content range. A soil that feels dry is usually below the critical threshold of the readily available water moisture content. Sandy soils may rarely feel wet because of their high drainable porosity. For a more detailed description of the "Feel" method go to:
Quick Links
- Competency Area 1: Basic soil properties
- Competency Area 2: Soil hydrology AEM
- Competency Area 3: Drainage and irrigation AEM
- Competency Area 4: Soil health and compaction
- Competency Area 5: Soil conservation AEM
- Competency Area 6: Watershed hydrology AEM
- Competency Area 7: Non-point source pollution AEM
- Competency Area 8: Concentrated source pollution AEM
- Competency Area 9: Conservation planning AEM